LudoFit exergame platform
LudoFit is an experiential strength and balance exercise program developed by the Canadian company Jintronix Ltd. The exercise program aims to target postural awareness, hip strength, static and dynamic standing balance, core activation and cardio through interaction with the videogames. The player …
Finnish testbed network on Business Finland’s brochure
Business Finland has put together an extensive brochure highlighting the strengths of the Finnish testbed network. This brochure introduces different actors in the field and their services. It also provides examples of private sector co-operation that have seen much success. Also Satakunta Testbed …
CorpusVR in rehabilitation
In November 2022, students of the physiotherapy degree program at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences tested virtual reality-based rehabilitation games developed by inMotionVR, a company from the Netherlands. The testing was a single time event, lasting two hours, and the participation was …
Academy of Technology and Care (TZA) to support technology deployment
The challenges of technology deployment have also been identified in Holland and a network of welfare technology ambassadors has been established to help. …
Education and research in welfare technology in the Netherlands
In May 2022, Satakunta Testbed visited Graafschap College in the town of Doetinchem in Holland to learn how Holland uses health and wellbeing technologies in teaching, research and nursing. …
Elver: Community responding to the needs of disabled
Elver is an example of communal living where inclusion, maintaining functional capacity and meaningful everyday life are supported through a wide range of welfare technologies. …